Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Another hot day, blue skies and not much breeze.

Honeysuckle looking pretty and happy to be smiling at the blue sky.

We seem to have a bees nest under our decking - put it this way, bees are flying between the decks, with lots of pollen on their legs. Only problem is that Caleb plays on that level - just need to make sure he is observed at all times, last thing we want us bee stings.

Took another trip to our lovely garden centre, took my sister with us this time- she spent money as well as us :)

Back home and more gardening, sorting out another bed. Need more compost, oh dear another trip next weekend to a garden centre ... :)

This evening, hubby ordered me an Echo speaker (Amazon), to play music on, delivered at 10pm so have been playing setting it up ....

Hope you all had a great weekend.


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