Boys and their toys

My father in law has been talking about coming over for the model flyer's weekend at Pontefract for more years than I can remember. Today we finally got there though he didn't bring any of his own.
In the 1960s and 70s he was Irish champion and won the trophy outright (3 consecutive years) twice. For a time he was captain of the international team. At the age of 84 he still flies for fun and has built a model jet plane including building his own engines in his workshop at the back of his garage.
The tournament today was a bit tame.
So we sloped off for lunch and popped into the Piece Hall for ice cream on the way to Steph's.
The end of the day was an al fresco tea and the great-grandchildren going slightly bonkers with a bubble machine in the back garden. He doesn't see nearly enough of them :-)

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