Fountains and other delights...

This is The Carter Fountain in Oriental Bay.
The Mouse has been at work a tad to make it more interesting as it was overcast but lovely and warm at 13C. 
Walking down Oriental parade is always a fun thing and a couple of items really stood out today…
The first was a bloke with his 7 (guess) year old daughter who was riding a scooter and Dad was riding the same (kids) model.
And the second was when some kids were running away from the parents and heading for the main road. The Mum was yelling “stop” to no avail and the Dad yelled ‘Statue” and the kids froze in wonderful poses. What a fun game for road safety. The Boss was really tempted to ask for a photo but chickened out.
It’s a holiday tomoro. Some important ladies birthday and I suddenly realised that SSD’s (small stuffed dogs) don’t seem to have birthdays. I am going to have a serious bark at The Boss to see if he can remember when he rescued me from a career as a screen cleaner. It may be hopeless as he has trouble remembering to get a haircut.


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