Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Tuesday — Moving the Sheds

When we learned that our Tuff Sheds would add absolutely no value to our home and its appraisal, we decided that the sheds would move with us; unless a buyer came along that realized the value of the sheds and made us a quality offer for them. We were pretty sure that wasn’t going to happen, and it didn’t.

Mr. Fun had phoned the Tuff Shed people to learn that moving the sheds was a possibility. So they were disassembled and moved to the little house with the big back yard. The back yard that looks like toast! The lawn is gone and the yard was complete weeds when the renters moved out 11 months ago. So we had a yard guy do the weed-whacking and now the back yard is nothing more the dried weed shavings. To put it mildly — it is a mess.

After the sheds were moved from our Trenton Avenue house, our neighbors in that neighborhood we’re absolutely shocked! One neighbor stopped to tell me that he had “shed envy” and thought our sheds looked quite handsome in our side yard. He could not believe the new buyers would not want them.

The entire event —selling our home and moving — has been shocking to our system, not to mention our bank account. Having two sheds moved was equal in price to purchasing one new shed, so we opted to move the two, not leave them and then need to purchase another new shed. Having two is our desire.

If you had told me in early January what we were headed into in the first six months of 2018, I would have resigned or ran-away or had a temper tantrum or given-up before I started, but all of this selling of houses and downsizing and moving a mile-and-a-half back to our former home, is helping us become debt-free and closer to my being able to retire.

So, there you have it!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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