Heart Stones.

After being treated to a beautiful home cooked breakfast we all went into Javia for coffee and icecream, or in my case Cocktails!!

We also found a building that was in the background of a photo I took of Daughter Number 1 when she was 15 months old. She's 27 now. Of course the building has changed some what but it was there!

The weather has been a bit hit and miss with the odd frieky shower but it's still quite hot.

We spent so long chatting, relaxing and drinking that we didn't have time to change for dinner so popped to a local restaurant for dinner before sitting out on the balcony of Lenas villa putting the worlds to right while I here blipping by candle light!

I always try to find heart shaped pebbles on the beach. I think this one might take me over my luggage allowance so I chucked it back on the beach!

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