Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

Sitting in a tree

Today the clocks fell back one hour and now it is getting dark in the late afternoon, today however I went for a walk in the park and took lots of shots until my hands got too cold from the wind it was only 2C out today. I got this squirrel sitting in a tree staring at me as I approached. He did not move till I got close to him.

I also ran into an older lady that was out for a walk in the park she was feeding the squirrels as I spoke with her there must have been 10 or more squirrels that came up really close . She told me that she had to give them crackers as peanuts were to expensive to be giving away.

On the Iphone5 front I am still waiting for my phone to ship. At least they now hove mine in stock 5 more days till my next $50.00 credit. I bet it will ship before then.

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