Silly Saturday

You must admit those ears are just plain silly!

So are the eyes... and all the rolls of excess skin for that matter.

Another very warm day spent mostly outside with the pooches. At one point mid-afternoon there was a lot of barking which went on and on annoyingly, until eventually a couple of lads, mid-teens, appeared round the corner from a barn, not from the drive in the other direction, so I realised they'd come off the hill behind the farm. It transpired that they, and their other six companions who trooped up sheepishly, were on a Duke of Edinburgh expedition and had got horribly lost. Their faces fell even further when I pinpointed exactly where they were on their OS map and I felt very sorry for them with their heavy rucksacks and faces bright red from the heat. At least I was able to refill all their bottles with fresh water, but I wished I could have done more to help them. I'll be listening to the news later, hoping not to hear a report of a group of missing boys from a school in Helensburgh!

The dogs and I scuttled inside an hour later as there was a rumble of thunder and a few drops of rain, but it didn't come to much.

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