Drugged Up
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
Ow ow ow. I am mainly existing on a diet of ibuprofen and paracetamol today. When I got up this morning, I had to use the walls for support. The Prince suggested that this is what happens when someone knowingly runs with an injury. My reply was less polite and was made clear with my index and middle fingers.
I went for a walk with Smashley this morning and I had to hold onto him on any downward slope. I did reassure him that I was clinging on for support rather than making romantic overtures which was a great relief to both of us. It was actually a godsend as everything eased off considerably during the walk.
I had my Monday call with you O’H dear and as always I was giggling for ages after. I am LOVING my new ‘get out of jail free’ card…’I wasn’t actually being grumpy; It was my Dark Passenger’ or ‘It wasn’t me who ate all of the nice chocolates without sharing; It was my Dark Passenger’.
This will obviously NOT be acceptable as an excuse from anyone else. The Dark Passenger is not responsible for the toothpaste situation or clean laundry being dumped on the floor. My Dark Passenger, however, may be the one dealing with these heinous crimes from now on*.
*but without a kill room
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