Windy and “cold”..,. we had a walk to the top of the hill to catch a bit of sun…we like to sit on that wee bench in the middle to watch Trincomali channel, the boats and the islands. The daisies are just starting to bloom.,…it was a mostly grey day so thought I’d just throw some of the flowers in. Yes, that yellow is Scots Broom, but we’ve (actually mostly H) cleared this area. This afternoon we had a little bit of rain…. this is good. Usually we're used to rain till after July 4 when summer starts. This year summer started in May! Too dry too early.
Spent some time with the computer playing with photos and also trying to understand the cloud and how to access a document from anywhere…. whoa… a little at a time for me…but I've still lost notes and photos I can't seem to brain needs a rest..
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