Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Iris Hammock

Being so small, you can relax in an iris!

Babies are all doing well! I need to get the 'big' ducklings outside more, and hopefully get them living in the coop during the day and just bringing them in during the night. I am going to try and get my drakes into their own house and fenced area in our 'orchard'. They will not be super tolerant of all the littles until  their hormones calm down this fall.

I am going to try and catch up on some sleep this weekend, but I have so much to do! I promised I'd get my Mum some plants for Mother's Day and help move her raised beds to the front yard. Mr. Badger is away all weekend to a LAN party. I have to try and get some more work done this weekend, we are down to just 2 weeks before we have to do the first customer move and I am away next weekend (figures, my one planned trip -_-). All the same, I am very happy it is Friday! Enjoy your weekends <3

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