I predict a riot (of colour)

We popped over to National Trust Hidcote today, in the Cotswolds. Hidcote is a series of gardens within a garden, each one set to a theme and on every visit there's more to see. This time I was bedazzled with this riot of colour from a mixed bed of what Janet tells me are perhaps Primula Bulleyana (and who will tell her otherwise?)

As we entered the garden I was conscious of a deep bass humming from above me that resonated way inside me and, looking up, I realised I was almost wearing a swarm of bees as a hat. Thousands upon thousands of them, chaotically (to me) zooming all over in a huge sphere of bee! By the time we left they were nearly all happily if temporarily re-homed in a straw and whicker skep.

Have a fab weekend, everyone. :-)

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