View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Blackening of the Bride

So many things happened today I don't know where to start. 
A misty morning . We,parked the car and walked along Victoria street. I was tell Joanna about a garden called 'The Palace Garden'.The garden is full of statues and ornaments when a man came out and asked us what we were wanting. I said I was telling my friend about the garden. He invited us to come and see it and his wife Doreen came out and took us round the garden and remembered me from last year when I visited it. We had a walk round the garden and she was showing us here new features.We were then invited in to the house to see here collection. Well I have never seen so many miniature teas sets. It was unbelievable.
(see extra photos). We had a great chat and she knew the family of the best man at Joanna's Mother and Father's wedding.
We walked along and decided to go in for some lunch when we met Rhona, Iain and Magnus waiting for some friends. We had coffee with them .
Atanding outside the Cathedral a lorry came along and out jumped a load of girls all covered in  treacle who proceeded to wrap a girl round the cross with cling film. The Blackening of the Bride. In the evening we went to see Duncan Chisolm playing in the Cathedral. It was a great night. He is so good on the fiddle.

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