Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I got cacti seeds from a friend of mine, some time ago and I planted two that now has grown into two really small and very cute cacti. :) They are now living in egg cups but will be planted in this heart shaped pot when they grow a bit more.
My day started with allergy and asthma, itching eyes and tickling in my nose. So tired also and I decided not to go to the gym. Then I saw something my friend at the gym had posted on instagram and I got inspired and more energy, so off I went. When I'd talked for a short while with my friend, I went in to the 'ladies gym' to start my workout. I was supposed to do a series of exercises with one gym machine, but infront of it was a whole bunch of stuff left by another member. Dumbbells, wight and barbells was laying on a stretching mat - those thicker mats, and then a bench beside this. I was totally annoyed. It's so disrespectful to just leave things and not put them back where she took them, in another part of the ladies gym. When i was finished with my exercises I went back into the ladies gym and just moved the things aside a bit so I could use the machine. I'm not picking up after someone else! 

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