
One of the more worrying/ entertaining moments of the morning was when discussing Alzheimer’s with a colleague, I completely forgot what I was talking about mid sentence.

Then, taking advantage of a meeting free afternoon, I skipped out of the office at lunch time to drive home. Then back to work, a break for the products of Will’s Japanese cooking day yesterday and then to continue the never ending appraisal write ups. I took Rosie for a wander down to the beach at 8, it was all misty and spooky. It was nice to have a walk though, less satisfying to realise I took Daisy’s phone with me instead of my own so she has the benefit of tracking my 3000 steps.

And now I think I have done enough to grant myself the afternoon off tomorrow to clean and tidy the house of horrors in prep for visitors tomorrow evening. Rock and roll with the annual leave booking that is.

In the meantime, the bastard snails have been having some kind of garden party. Bastards.

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