
I don't know quite where my Mojo went, and didn't really fully realise I had lost it until today, it came back with vengeance!

Woke early to take Freya to her dad's, had some time to spare so cast on a homespun hat for Noah. Dropped her off in Glasgow then headed to Once a Sheep for Spin Saturday where I sat happily spinning all the lovelies on the right from 10.15-5.00pm! Had a wee break in the middle of the day when Carlos and I had a nice lunch together in the Cafe Continental. It felt really good to get back into my spinning as I've not really been very productive since going back to work. The multicoloured bobbin is carded sari silk which I am going to ply with the lovely grey gotland, I think it will make a great yarn.

In the evening I had to be mum's taxi for Noah attending a Halloween Party. As I couldn't really settle down for the night and had to stay alert I decided to warp up Big Bertha. She's been lying empty since I finished the blue linen in the summer that made it's way to Auntie Christine. I've been planning to weave an overshot design with some homespun so after a session of washing and hanging all the homespun I'd been too lazy to bother with in recent months I did my calculations and got through the first phase of warping the loom. I still need to sley the reed but I had to call it a day when I realised it was way after midnight - hence the back blip.

Feels good to have my mojo back, long may it continue!

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