Thank you all very very much for all the stars and hearts for my little cygnet yesterday, it has made it on to page one of popular. Thrilled.
Very sad news, I went to the canal early this morning and discovered that there are definitely only two cygnets left. Hope these two survive. Walked five and a half miles and managed to see the heron fishing further up the canal, you can see it in extras. After my walk and breakfast I did the weekly shop, then went to yoga and from there to the care home. I am now just back from the loch on a lovely afternoon and Daisy was straight into the water. My blip is her just about to get to her ball.
Hope you are getting some good weather, as it is really lovely here, in fact I don't think we have had any rain for about a month.
Well off now to make my meal which is fresh trout, jersey royal potatoes and asparagus, followed by strawberries and ice creme, in the garden.
Just had a shower and and feel lovely and cool now.
Thank you once again, as I probably have not got round to thank everyone individually.

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