
The spudgers seemed even more pleased to see me than usual, and it was soon evident that some of the first nestlings were out and demanding food. Most of them sat up on the telephone wire or the wall, waiting for the parents to ferry it to them, but this little chap boldly perched on the feeder and then seemed to be wondering what to do next and where everyone had gone. (They'd seen an approaching cat actually, but he evidently doesn't know the "cat" alarm call yet!).

Ogatodomar was on his way back from Orkney, originally scheduled to arrive at 12:30, but due to a series of cock-ups didn't arrive at Waverley until 00:15 (tomorrow, in fact). I went up to meet him and we had a soothing dram together when we'd got in, but unfortunately without DaveH who'd had to retire to bed early with an early sailing tomorrow! 

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