The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Blue Eyes

Went to the park with the kids this afternoon - cold and autumnul.. bloody lovely. I was going to blip a shot of my muddy running shoes, but this portrait of Corrie had to be the one.

I went to see Skyfall with Michelle on Friday and foolishly said, with a bit of effort, I could be as buff as Daniel Craig. Rather than laughing, she said - "Go on then.." - so that's it.. the challenge has been set, but I can't help thinking I set the bar a bit high - "Mr Hollywood 6 months in the gym".. but this morning I went for a run up the hill to get off the mark. On the way up I felt like there was going to be a lardy-arse heart explosion, but running down and along the Alva Golf course I started to get in the zone. I've had so many false starts with running - only really start enjoying it about 3 miles in. There's an ultra-distance runner in me I think, but I just can't get fit enough to keep running for hours. I'm not interested in races or times, I just want to run all over the hills and not stop - but they're a bit steep round my way. I'll keep you posted.. feel free to nag me.

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