Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Oh dear!

Spent the morning trying to sort out a disc drive problem on the Surface 3 Pro - not really the weather for going out anyway! Then  I decided to look at the live cams on Spring watch .... Well, in the 1950's we had 'Normal Service Will Be Resumed as soon as Possible', Interludes, and the Test Card when anything went wrong - all of which were more entertaining than nearly 2 hours of this! It was preceded for a few minutes by a very strange message saying, as I recall, "BBC North c03".

At least that was preferable to what came up on BBC 2 Red Button on the TV when Springwatch failed, which was what I think was supposed to be a 'pop music' concert - people 'dressed' in totally grotesque clothes, prancing about in an inane manner, and apparently trying to mime (totally unconvincingly) to background music while an audience seemed to be reacting just to prove to any onlookers that they were enjoying themselves. I muted sound very quickly, and turned the TV off not much later.

Note to the Spring watch live cam team - bats are not a very interesting subject to watch roosting during the day ...

Sorry, I'm just a MOS, and I'm sure parents (and grandparents) in the past reacted similarly to pop music in my day, but at least we were nearly all in favour of love and peace in those days, not hate and terrorism like a depressing number of people today.

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