Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

What do I do now?

one more robin blip....
I got to watch baby robin #1 fledge today…
photos…. -all 3 cuddled up this morning in the nest outside the nest..
                 -Mom with a mouthful for them…,.
                - all 3 getting a bit of meal…thru the window. then Mom flew off and one of the babies “flew” right after her..guess it wanted more!  so fast I couldn’t catch it with the camera.
                -First one out of the nest..on the ground.    Hummm. where am I?  what do I do now?   In about 7 seconds it scurried under the salal.  

The other two won’t be far behind I’m sure… I hope they can be safely hidden til they can really fly.  Will try to see the parents feeding them more….

Extra: Our world traveling neighbors came over for drinks and goodies on the deck... lovely to see them!!

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