Tiny Tuesday : : Soft

A bird seems to have sacrificed most of its feathers for today's blip because I spotted hundreds of them on the roof and more in the bushes beneath. There were no grisly bits around, but I fear it was not a happy ending for the white bird. There is a pair of hawks nesting nearby and I suppose they have young to feed too...

Putting on my socks didn't go well this morning, and my 'unstable' sacroiliac joint gave up the ghost. After a very slow (and very short) walk and a lovely visit with my neighbor, OilMan came home from getting his car serviced, watched me creeping around the house and suggested that I lie flat, so I spent the afternoon lying on the floor with my legs up on a chair. I must admit that my back felt much better after that, but my arms are really tired from trying to read the New Yorker in that position...

Our weather has been veering wildly between cold and damp and blistering hot. Today was the latter, but from my spot on the living room floor I was perfectly comfortable in shorts and a tee shirt. In fact it was quite a shock to go outside into the 95  degree afternoon. (OilMan can do the math necessary to convert to centigrade in his head, but I am right brained and would have to go to look at our thermometer to find out) Needless to say, not much has gotten done, inside or out today... 

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