
By TBay


I love these happy little flowers and they always cheer up a dull day. I have them by the back door for a lovely splash of colour. As a child I always thought that’s they looked like the face of dogs!

Today has been a mixture of Office work and housework. I have finally unpacked for the weekend away and washed all the clothes. Then it was get ready for the Bath and West Show tomorrow. Mr Tbay is part of the judging team for the Prince of Wales Award and will take to the Bandstand tomorrow morning to deliver a speech on the finalists and to announce the winners of this award. This is the second year he has done this which he very much enjoys. I am on duty in the Young Farmers Marquee as it is my Group that stewards it tomorrow. A busy day ahead!

Farming - Two on compost . Rusty tanking.

Weather has been rather drizzly and muggy. Do hope it’s not too bad tomorrow!

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