
We've got a bunch of Tesco Days Out vouchers to use up by the end of November so we're using them to do some tourist stuff on the cheap (London Zoo the other week - normal price £75 - ouch!). And, today it was somewhere in town that, despite living in Edinburgh for 18 years now, I've never been to before, although it's pretty prominent and you can see it from all over. No, not the castle (although I've never been there either), but close....Camera Obscura. And, very good it was too, loads to see and we spent far more time than we meant to there (meaning that our Tesco vouchers for tea out at Strada can wait for another day....) There's a great rooftop terrace that gives you panoramic views all over Edinburgh as well, but I've preferred to go in tight. Al those roofs and tenements, it's as Old Town to me as St Giles or The Royal Mile any day.

Right, finish with a bit of music. Summat of a recent CD, summat quite brilliant from the most mind-blowing, innovative and generally magnificent musical genre ever.

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