Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Blueberry Day

Today Jerry and I went to Branchville to pick two gallons of blueberries for freezing.  My friend Suzette and her family have an organic blueberry farm called Black Pearl Farm.   Yes, I ate many while I was picking!    This photo is Suzanne picking the stems and leaves along with the unripened blueberries from one of my boxes.    Her daughter and her hubby are growing a veggie garden at the blueberry farm.  The little veggie cart had organic beets, spring onions, yellow squash, jars of Black Pearl honey as well as cucumbers and kale.   They have many beehives scattered among the fields of blueberries and the property is close to the Edisto River.  Perfect conditions for gardening and beehives.    They also have different varieties of blueberries so that they do not all produce berries at the same time.   

I froze the berries in two cup containers so I can just take out what I want to use.  These will probably last me most of the winter months when berries are hard to find or very expensive.   

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