Indian Chiefs and Henry VIII.......

Edenbridge torchlight procession and foreworks last night. Tara has been going on about it all week so excited and has wound Hari up about it too, so they were very excitged when we srt off.

They loved the procession, all the music and torches, and waving to friends. Hari stood next to me alternating between marching and dancing, and Tara was the other side waving madly and complaining it was too loud.

Unfortunately it was quite a wait until the fireworks started and Hari decided he wanted to go to bed. Once Tara was persuaded to head home and watch the fireworks from the garden we headed off. Hari was sleep walking by the time we got home, and the fireworks had started and Tara decided that she really didn't like the noise!!!.... a good job we didn't stay to watch them close up then as they were VERY loud.

Good job it was yesterday not today with all the rain we've woken up to ;0)

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