Homeward bound

A hot and muggy day and after a windy and stormy night I thought I had lost my favourite picnic blanket from the balcony (it was a wedding present)
So after Mum searching around the entire hotel, checking lost property and both Anna and I checking everywhere it suddenly dawned on us that it was still down on the beach!

A quick dip in the pool to cool us off after packing then the long journey home began.
Anya said goodbye to all her friends, old and young. She was certainly well loved by the older couples in the hotel. Shirley and John (Shirley here in the picture) bought her a hat as gift. She was thrilled!

The plane was delayed but there were no announcements or updates in the airport. In typical Greek style we were left wondering for ages what was going on.
It turned out the journey took 10 hours door to door and we missed nearly an entire night’s sleep! At least Anya and Max managed some sleep in the strange red lighting on the night flight.
Back to Manchester in the early hours and it was straight to bed for us all!

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