Two Little'uns

A lovely sunny day but still a bit chilly when out of the sun. The beaches were busy with many hardy youngsters enjoying their time in the water.

After having coffee in Crail with L's friend June we went for a walk along the sand at Kingsbarns .... it's a beautiful beach with almost no washed up plastic, bits of rope or old creels.

Just as we neared the Cambo end of the beach I spotted this family of Eider ducks paddling about among the waves. It was so hard to get a good photo .... the very young ducklings spent most of the time rising and dipping with the incoming waves and then they put their heads in the water as they searched for food.

Only two in this little family and no signs of any other Eider families in the vicinity ... several mothers often keep their young together for feeding and to protect them from gulls and other large sea birds.

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