
So you ride up that hill the other side of that pylon and then there's a nice descent down to the A68 that you're on for no more than a few hundred metres before the turn off to Humbie. I eschewed the refreshments at the Humbie Hub today and just relied on the Lidl pain au chocolats I had stuffed in a jersey back pocket. One was eaten en route, the other at Aberlady on what I'd call the 'nearly home' stretch. I sat on a bench and ate my pastry in the sunshine and looked at the sea for a bit before finishing off the last 18 miles of the ride. I arrived home in fine spirits.

And then, blimey, today's Giro's stage was Astonishing. Note how I've spelled 'astonishing' with a capital 'A' there. Yep, that good.

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