John's story
It was our RPS Documentary Group today. John is a new member and wanted to introduce himself to the group. He had developed prostate cancer that was discovered by chance and he had surgery. The following year, he was invited to a group for men in the same situation. They had a counsellor there who encouraged them to talk and a photographer who encouraged them to take photographs to express their feelings. John is holding the resulting book.
He has recently joined the RPS and then our group and is preparing for his LRPS. All power to his photographic elbow.
We had a good meeting I had 4 prints of the Coast, which is our current group project and they were well received.
I left at lunchtime because I could not miss choir after our concert last Saturday. We had new material to work on today - not easy but looks very interesting.
Then Annette and I worked together to catch the cats so I could take them to the vets. Annette ended up with scratches ++. I took the cats and had a long wait during which time I was given loads of advice about how to manage them from two women. One happened to be Andrea from the animal charity who rescued Oscar and Daisy. I heard about their start in life from her. The other woman had looked after semi-feral cats. I came away with lots of ideas. The main one is to stop them hiding in the wardrobe.
The vet found that Oscar has an infected paw. Daisy was chipped. Her smelly rear end was deemed normal. (Oh joy!)
Now the cats are home and hiding. They have not eaten for hours, but it's 3 weeks before I have to get Oscar there again.
Once my adrenaline levels bottom out I will need to go to bed!!
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