Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Don’t do that again

Dylan chased after another cat and pulled the lead out of my hands. Shot into the undergrowth and got tangled up in some branches. Traumatic few minutes before shivering moggie was rescued and reunited with anxious mother. Now looks like vegan margarine wouldn’t melt in his mouth.

Busy day. Went for coffee with Mrs M and we swapped views on life the universe and everything but particularly how to cope with stress. Something we both have variable amounts of success with. Did manage to escape the office at four to begin the long weekend. Met The Dizzle and TSM for a glass of wine then came home and cleaned and started packing.

My blips have been boring of late but off to Hay on Wye tomorrow for the festival so hoping for better. Any other blippers going to be there? culture in the rain I think ...

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