Red red wine

Didnt sleep great, too warm, binmen woke us up at 7.10 a.m.!!!

Sis came over today and we went to buy some of our summer bedding plants. The three of us had a lovely lunch (again!!!) then set about finding our various plants. We were a bit disappointed to be honest.....some of the plants had grown way too fast, and were straggly, probably down to the hot weather and being indoors!!

Sis is still struggling with her muscle disfunction........really bad this morning :-(
She headed home to Kobi, so he wasnt home alone for too long. We spent an hour in thr garden just pottering as you do, grabbing a few shots for a blip, before coming indoors. Settled in this dark claret clematis, this is the first time its flowered, I do love its colour!

We had a sandwich for tea and have just watched the Manchester Bomb documentary that was aired last goodness, some brave brave people. Pity the emergency services didn't get their act together though :-/

Quizzing tonight, so best get a move on now.

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