
So glad I didn’t throw away my Christmas amaryllis of 2016! The second stem has its blooms now.

Today has been a day of total insanity for me.

I went and got my hair cut. From there I went and got a manicure. So far so good.

Then to see Birgit and buy a piece of luggage I’ve been wanting from her husband.

Next stop the drugstore to get the syringes for Kent’s allergy shots and more Aleve for my headaches.

Not done yet! Go to Hudson’s to get bird seed, duet, corn & plant food for my garden plants. Last stop the grocery store for cat food.

Once home the party isn’t over. I empty, clean & refill the hummingbird feeders, the suet feeder and fill up both the seed feeders.

I put out the plant food for the palm & hibiscus plants and even put some out around Jim’s two palm trees. Then I put out the food for all my bulb plants.

I’ve cleaned the cat’s drinking fountain and the birds water dish

Now I’m finally ready for bed!

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