SUSTRANS - Millennium project?

I really must do more research on my subjects, before doing my blip, but I'm on the bus home and I'd like to get it out of the way!

Have still got the horrible headache I had yesterday afternoon. It's very annoying as I've not had one for a couple of months, and I really thought the tablets were working. Let's hope it isn't here for much longer.

At lunchtime we walked along King Street then across one of the bridges which is in line with the Riverside shopping bit, and came back along the river. I don't rememberseeing this before - it's on the crossing island at the top of Princes Street. It mentions the distance to Fakenham in one direction and Beccles in the other. Jane and Carol hover patiently in the background while I take the right picture!

Busy not helped by my head, and didn'tleave when I wanted to because of the phone calls.

Plan to plant my beans tonight so hope my head can hold out. Can't do my book because of it, so that's annoying. Maybe at the weekend.

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