Today’s challenge for Tiny Tuesday was “hard”, as in something industrial looking and I have to say that it has been hard and extremely difficult in more ways than one.

Mr. HCB kindly sorted out some screws for me to photograph and after faffing around for far too long, I am beginning to think that I will never be able to do macro photography easily.

After trying with the viewfinder, and getting all hot and bothered, what looked as if it was totally in focus on the live view screen was not so when I looked at the photograph on my Macbook.

I tried using different settings on the camera - the AV setting, Manual and then TV - as I thought probably the shutter speed wasn’t high enough.

Mr. HCB made the comment “Well, I will say one thing for you - you do persevere!”  However, if you know the hymn, I did NOT persevere with joy! 

In fact, when my mouse started playing up, the Macbook threw a wobbly and I knew there was no chocolate in the house, I must admit I screamed!

Then I decided I would have one last go and use the tripod - this is the result, SOOC, but just cropped slightly - and although I am not completely happy with it, I do have other things to get on with, so this will have to do!  I am amazed, though, at how much more can be seen in this shot than I could see with my naked eye.

The background to the photograph is the cover of a book I am reading at present entitled "Unsinkable Faith" by Tracie Miles - it's about not letting negative attitudes steal your peace and rob you of joy - perhaps there will be some good advice for me!

Mr. HCB’s leg is much better and he even suggested we went shopping as he needed to do some exercise, but he is now sitting with his leg up, watching cricket.  When we did our shopping I treated myself to some Häagen Dazs peanut butter ice cream, so I think it’s about time I had one - and Mr. HCB will enjoy a salted caramel one.  Naughty but nice - but I think we both deserve them! 

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