
Off to Dundee this morning at what felt like the crack of dawn but was in fact 08:00. As the dawn chorus starts at 03:45 these days it really wasn't that early. Anyway work was fine and concluded quite smartly. This was the view from the train on the journey this morning. The fields are all growing fast and the polytunnels are growing soft fruit as quickly as they can. The Tay, as ever, was silvery. I am so fond of this train journey.

Home for babysitting duties and a telephone interview with a researcher. It's the kind of thing that brings out the old f**t in me as the research topic is a loop I've been in and round many times in the past. I don't want to rain on the reseachers' parade but honestly it does feel a bit like Groundhog Day. But - I have agreed to do it and I will. With a sunny disposition.

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