The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Age Appropriate

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Eldest Mini Princess and I went to see Deadpool 2 this afternoon. This was not irresponsible parenting on my part as she isn’t quite 15*. It was a fine example of excellent parenting as I was openly recognising her emotional and social maturity. It was NOTHING to do with the fact that I was desperate to see it**. Shut up. It wasn’t about me.

The film is properly hilarious. I was actually shaking with laughter at the baby legs scene. It is completely farcical and irreverent, and we absolutely loved it. It was made even better by seeing it in the Dominion in the posh seats. We were excited and surprised to discover it was even showing there. Turns out our surprise was founded as the cinema was only about a quarter full (on opening weekend). I don’t think Morningside is ready for Deadpool to get his f**k on!

The Princesses are off tomorrow for Victoria Day. This means that it is officially a holiday weekend which means I get to invoke the ‘no cooking for me on a holiday’ rule***. The Prince was dispatched to the chippy to hunt and gather something drowning in chippy sauce. It there a greater substance known to man?


*She would have to be 17 to see it in the US

**as the other geeks at work would RUIN it for me by telling me ALL the gags next week.

***a rule completely made up by me for any time I can’t be @rsed cooking.

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