
By EvelyneNC

The parade

of the rhododendron festival here in Florence was surprisingly nice. In spite of the rather cool and grey weather, people were lining the street for the whole route. Several bands of local middle schools made surprisingly good music and especially the Mexican horse riders stole my heart. They were able to  nearly make their big Frisian horses dance. My picture of the local sheriffs was a bit better than the rest and the first rider got a lot of applause. He is one of the two police officers, that Florence has and Bikerbear might have met him some years ago :-).
Also in the extras I will upload the picture of a big yellow lumber truck - as they can be seen on our streets here quite often. The truck drove right behind the little car of the local Rotary Club, accompanied by two slim and not very tall gentlemen . It was a special pleasure for the truck driver to honk his horn regularly to make those two gentlemen jump up from the noise - it really was deafening. He had a big smile in his face....
About 25 Oldtimers, The local veterans and some military vehicles, the local bicycle club and many bikers completed the parade. Not bad for such a little town.

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