Queen Victoria's birthday so a holiday here for us. Yay!! Weather was perfectly beautiful, too, so my daughter and I headed into Toronto (TO) for the day. An early stop at two of the largest cemeteries to see if there were any blossoms still blooming. Apple trees were almost finished so no bright pink blip of those but this flowering almond was made even more special with an Oriole that was jumping around in it! So hard to get a clear shot of him with all those blossoms!
Traffic was brilliant so finding parking was easy peasy. We went to the Royal Ontario Museum and spent half the day wandering, reading and enjoying the artifacts. Even though I have been there countless times, there is always something new (or new to me) to see and learn. Today it was the skull of an alligator that was found in Alberta dating back 75 million years ago!! What this world must have looked like then....and how do they figure out those years?? Amazing really...
A stop at a third cemetery on the way out of the city was chalk full of birds. Not sure why but all the birds were everywhere and I got so many shots of them with beaks filled with grubs, worms and little insects! We also spotted a Cooper's Hawk that a couple walking two little dogs, walked directly under. They missed us holding our breath as the hawk launched itself and we thought it was going for a dog....but no, veered off and went down into the gully on the other side of the fence. Phew! If it was a Red-Tail, perhaps a different story...
Now I am off for a coffee with a friend who I have not seen in some time. Lots of catching up to do :)
Take care!
D x
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