Given up

Forgive the woe is me nature of this

I give up
Munchie woke up crying last night
Raging temperature / headache and tummy ache
Settled her with medicine but then she was unsettled for lots of the night

Rang grandma at 6am to ask her to come over - felt dreadful doing it but I was due to go to Bristol on a school trip and daddy had an important meeting to attend

Muncie has been ok ish during the day but she’s needed medicine throughout it and you can tell when it’s wearing off

We’ve got a plan sorted for tomrorow so daddy can head off to sellafield and I can be at work
Would be easier just to say sod work but it’s not as easy as this

I really do feel like we are being tested to the extreme

Wom got home
Fell asleep
On the floor
Put him to bed
He then woke up and played with Millie

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