In The Pink!

Long time on the allotment today - 5 hours in fact! But it was beautifully sunny and I got so much done! All my courgettes and pumpkins in - apart from 9 that are not large enough to go in yet! Two sweetpea teepees done - one with a proper metal maypole style frame and one of old raspberry canes as I had too many sweetpeas! I then surrounded both with raspberry canes to keep the slugs, rabbit and mice away! I also weeded inside my fruit cage and mended a large hole in the netting that would have seen the birds in and snaffling all my gooseberries which are looking very promising for a good yield unlike last year!
It was quite busy on the allotment - two guys tackling an overgrown plot with a trimmer. This added to the general noise level as there was also a helicopter! I've heard one for several days now and thought it was the military doing manoeuvres. However I spotted this one  very low over the adjacent filed and thought it was maybe doing crop spraying. I got my long lens out and discovered it was an electricity helicopter, the next minute it was hovering over the electricity pole at the end of our allotments!   Must be doing a survey.
Home to do the usual meditation, exercises and food and then time to go back to the allotment for the hens bedtime and to walk around the plot and admire what I have achieved so far. Now to plan the next bit of digging! 
Oh and the hedgerows have now turned pink! They have gone from green to yellow, blue, white as the season advances!

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