My World Through A Lens

By DizzyChick

Peace and freedom

A day of reflection.
Teen1 at work
Teen2 with friends

Babygirl and I headed to Salisbury.

We made it in time for the Sunday service.

I've not been to church in many years.
Not a service anyway.
We visit a lot of churches on our adventures with our cameras.

I was very moved, emotional.
I would like to go every Sunday but sadly work every Sunday.

The singing. The readings. The Love.

I've a lot going on in my life right now.
As a lot of us do.

It helped me today.......

***Peace Doves have been installed in Salsibury Cathedral to mark the centenary of the end of World War One #lescolombes message of peace, hope and new beginnings. The right to peace and freedom #SalisburyCityofDoves

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