A time for everything

By turnx3

Stocking up for winter!

I've kind of lost my blip mojo this week, but the sun was shining today, and after my hair appointment I went for a long walk at Sharon Woods. I was probably around half way through my walk and feeling a bit discouraged about the little I had seen thus far that I felt was blip-worthy, when this squirrel, with his large find, decided to pose nicely for me, so he became my star for the day. It's been nice having the sun back yesterday and today, after the chilly, damp and grey first part of the week. I had a nice chat on the phone this afternoon with Jen, our eldest daughter, who lives in Houston. Still waiting to hear from our son Philip, who's in the Airforce and deployed in Afghanistan at present - he hasn't called us in several weeks now. He was so good when he first got out there - calling every week or ten days, but as the months have gone by, he's got back into his old habits of not keeping in touch very regularly. We assume no news is good news, but it's always nice to hear their voice. All being well he should be coming home in a couple of weeks - can't wait to see him again! We have just got back from a wonderful concert at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral in downtown Cincinnati, featuring the British a capella ensemble Tenebrae. We have seen them once before and thought they were brilliant, and we weren't disappointed this time either. It was a wonderful program, featuring amongst other things various excerpts from Rachmaninov Vespers which they have recorded.

I have posted a couple of back blips:

Pork chops with mustard cream sauce
Fallen leaves

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