Choose Joy

By Energia

It's alright to cry

I had a very bad bicycle accident 2.5 years ago. It was so bad that I don't know what happened. 

I haven't felt stable enough to ride since. Today I rode. I didn't ride far or long, just enough to thoroughly assure myself that I had sufficient balance to do so - and that I distrust bicycle chains and want a new bike with a carbon belt drive that will never fall off. Then I ordered Thai food to celebrate, played my bicycle music playlist loudly, and cried while driving to get my Thai food. This was such a moment, such a triumph over fear, such a milestone in my recovery, that I decided to take pictures of me dancing with my bike.

Crying releases stress. So does dancing. So does celebrating with friends. 

May you all release some stress today. Maybe watch the royal wedding and cry a little, or dance, or celebrate with friends. 

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