
A busy day - several hours on the allotment - finally got some of my courgettes and squash in the ground! Yesterday after uncovering the beds they were to go into I found more dandelions to dig out and then got distracted into pulling up grass in other beds! Today I was determined not to be distracted - so difficult as it's so satisfying pulling out clumps of grass - it is growing from little bulbs and is coming out roots and all in a very satisfying manner!
Home to shower, eat some lunch then head to the hairdressers and the Co-op. After unpacking the shopping, taking in the washing, feeding the cats and fish, doing my yoga, abs workout and meditation  it was back to the allotment for the hens bedtime!
By the end of this very long day time to take a photo! The rosebush in my back garden - the solar bulb may be bright but I was off to bed as my bulb was definitely dimming!

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