We can rebuild her!

Not a project for my Mike though, this is being brought back to life by another Mike, near the shop.  I was back in the village picking up the beep beep laptop to take it to the IT man.  He worked on it for over 2 hours and although some problems were sorted, some still remain, so I didn't feel quite so bad about not being able to fix them myself!

Moving 616 contacts from Yahoo to newly installed Outlook shouldn't be taking quite the effort is seems to be requiring.  Other problems revolved around setting up our own domain name, which included being unable to verify authenticity when you have no mobile phone coverage at the shop, you can't use the land line phone and the credit card payment machine at the same time as they share a line,  but verification needs access to the phone . . . , I could go on, but I shall spare you!  The upshot is that I have handed all responsibility to the IT chap and he is going to have the laptop all day Wednesday to sort it out!  I wish him well!

Gardening in the afternoon was a great stress reliever, followed by dancing in the village hall.  Learning The Irish Rover caused much chaos!  Lots of near hysterical laughter, and almost to the point of tears, and a lot of being told to concentrate, pay attention, move, don't just stand there!!  Teacher Linda was very strict!  It was a steep learning curve, but we got there in the end. I can't guarantee we will still remember it in a fortnight's time though!  

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