I'm beautiful!!!

and live in the grounds of Burghley House!!

Busy most enjoyable day... now 10pm will tell you all about it tomorrow!!

PS (added on the 3rd)

We called in past Burghley House for coffee and a wander round the grounds. The females and youngsters were away across the park playing about, with one magnificent stag on guard. He was in the shade so not easy to get a good shot. As we wandered back to the car we saw several other stags resting by individual trees.

We moved on to Downtown, near Grantham for a look / see and came away with ideas, may call in on the way home on Monday.

Got to R's as it was getting dark.... Just enough time to check out the "posh" garden to see who's winning the battle... plants 100 / weeds 10 ...quite a relief as I'm not quite up to a weeding session yet. R late home, so B walked the dogs and I got the ironing done.

Settled in for an enjoyable meal, some wine and a great deal of chat, catching up on everyone's news :0)

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