Sad Story!

Bit of a sad one today - every year the boys of the Round Table put tremendous effort into building the Lochgilphead Bonfire - previous years we have had a galleon and a dragon - amazing. The theme for this years Lantern Procession is Alien Invasion - and the boys rose to the challenge and built a alien head - they spent till one o'clock this morning painting the features on the head - only for the wind to blow their efforts down in the early hours this morning. Not to be defeated though - they will be back there tomorrow morning building it up again for tomorrow nights extravaganza!!!

On a happy note - Ive just had a sneaky peek of my Snapberry projects external projection - which will be shown prior to the lantern procession tomorrow night in the square in Lochgilphead. Its absolutely STUNNING! We have added some music this year - so all fingers crossed for dryish weather!

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