Eye to Events

By i2events

4 Gee

Technology is a wonderful invention except for one thing;-the Menu system. It might have its place on a 32 inch flat screen telly but becomes a bit of hassle on an automatic camera. I am of a generation that was teethed on the mechanical film camera. In its basic form the camera was set by knobs and an aperture ring. This meant that, that although it was still possible to set the wrong settings, it did not usually take long for you to realise the fact. It could be a costly mistake with only thirtysix or twentyfour frames to get through before your shooting was done.
With new cameras and their menu system, it means the basic settings are hidden away like some plot in a novel, only coming to light in the final page of the chapter. I took several shots today. Wasn't quite sure why motion blur was a problem, then realised that the camera had inadvertantly been set up wrong. . The Samsung being totally automatic relies on several programmed modes, which are accessed at the side of the picture taking screen. Bit of touch screen syndrome, the menu settings being accidently called up and changed by the screen being brushed

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