Another busy day.
Sewing and fabric coloring. Some really beautiful results in fabrics. Something you can see here: https://www.instagram.com/vhgalacant/

Then after lunch and doggie walk we headed up to the hills to see two possible rentals for in-laws. The other was nearly perfect. I think as perfect you can get around here, The other was okay, but only one window and after summer that is just too little light in my opinion. Light is the reason why we come here.

The possible landlord is Swedish. Once again I find myself speaking Swedish in Spain. Never in my life have I spoken so much Swedish as in Spain.

While up on the hills we met our Finnish friends who are leaving to Finland on Monday. We'll see them next in October - I think. Around that period anyway.

A lot of our friends are going back to their home countries and tourists are taking over. But it's playa-season very soon, so who cares. (I will care in the end when everything is crowded and noisy.)The city hall has stated that we have about 10 000 people all year round in Gran Alacant, but during the high season it's 40 000 people here. So the crowdedness is not my imagination.

I took the photo from uphill.

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