Had been wondering why my photos were grainy, then realised my ISO has been on 1600 for like a week now. Ugh. Ahah, but finally restored to it's jolly old 400 this afternoon.
This is me looking, well, like I always do. A bit funny. I am seeing Bridie and Rachel tomorrow, with Bethan who'll be coming around half 9 after work. I can't bloody wait because she doesn't have to go early on sunday, ANDDDD, my parents are sleeping in the flat so we can do as we please which will be nice.
I am in a weird mood, my room's been completely decorated, which I love, however it's weird being in a room that's totally different after being enclosed in a room full of my own words and scrawlings strewn allover the walls. Ahh well I suppose i'll get used to it. I will just bug Bethan at her house because mine's not so fun anymore.
Tomorrow i'll start ordering glass frames for all of my photographs to go on my white wall. Huzzah.
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